Before making "Gift Ornament Ten" I tested out the
Flying Minor Norwegian Dragons by
Anne Bruvold. To get the feel of the pattern, I used size 10 Opera thread. Yes, that's what that large colorful dragon is made of -- cream-colored Opera. At least it was cream-colored before I let my sister play with it. She was tie-dying and trying out all her "new" colors. They turned out well on the thread -- looks like "dark rainbows" to me, especially the purple. I made the dragon without her knowing (which meant tatting after midnight) and gave it to her for Christmas.
When making the small dragon, I found out using one strand of
Signature machine embroidery thread was not the best choice. The polyester thread stretches a bit when closing rings. When I went to make the "Yorkie dimple" for its nose -- I pulled the wrong thread! then I couldn't get the ring to close right. Poor little nose -- the little dragon looks like it ran into a mountainside!
This is a great pattern and my sister was very pleased with her dark rainbow dragon and it's minature friend (with threads attached for sewing onto her denim jacket collar).