You can't imagine the delight I felt in figuring out this split chain thing. I could do them, but I didn't like it -- and only knew one way to make it work so sometimes half my chain was front side and the other half was back side (weird looking).
I sat down with a shuttle and a bit of left-over thread and made this string of stuff all hooked together with split chains. Then I hunted up a couple of other shuttles with more left-over thread and made this interesting little motif. I was disgusted to run out of thread and not be able to find the ball of thread to add more (that pink and blue stuff is here somewhere!).
Next, I wound on two colors of Sulky and started again. I did more rows than the first one, but it lost it's definition and started to look very cramped. I ran out of thread then. Very likely a good thing, because I'd tatted myself into a corner, so to speak, and the rounds were not ending in good places to start a new one.
Somewhere around here is another start but with changes which have, so far, left a bit more defined negative space. I'll post that another time. Maybe I could actually write down a pattern instead of just going around and around where ever the shuttles feel like going. Nah, prob'ly not. Hmmm...but maybe that second incarnation, as a single motif, would be possible.
Sub day
I don't sub very often any more, but I was needed today. As a result, I had
very little time for crafting. I did manage to finish a dish cloth!
2 days ago