At it again. Sad, isn't it?
All of these use glitter ModPodge® for one or two layers. Shiny -- gimmie shiny, shiny with sparkles is even better!

This is what I've been doing when my fingers need a rest. Tat one night, glue, color, cut the next. :) After the marathon they've been doing with the blue and brown doily, getting sticky was good for them.

I don't know about all you other tatters, but the threads cut into my fingers, sometimes. I have an almost permanent line across the middle finger on my left hand and the crease on the side of the top knuckle of my right little finger is deeper than it used to be. Most of the time I remember to tape up. (Oooo, sounds so athletic!) I use fabric bandages and just cut off the sticky part. That nifty little gauze pad just gets chucked out. I can cover the three most worn places with one bandage. I've got a favorite brand and they are hard to find. When I do find them I buy all available and hoard them (No, no, no! I'm not telling what they are then somebody else would go buy them and how could I hoard then?). Oh, okay -- they're Curad brand. They're thinner than most and the adhesive doesn't come through the tape to get on the tatting. I've made do with others, but it really is just making do.
Oh, yes, I got carried away there for a bit. These shuttles are all covered in bits of fractals I found in various places on the net. There are some really artistic mathematicians out there! I colored some of the pieces of the Aero shuttles that don't get covered in paper with Sharpie® markers in matching colors. I decided to try some without folding the paper around the sides. I never fold the paper under on the Clover shuttles, so figured it should work for the Aeros as well. The gray is only visible on the inside of the shuttle. Believe it or not, I've still got more shuttles to play with. Ahhhh, anticipation and mud pies...makes you feel like a kid again.
Oh, and thanks, Diane -- these shuttle flowers are much prettier than rows and rows. :)