Jon's Quantiesque snowflake really IS addictive. These two are made with size 12 cotton perlé in pink and purple (for those of you who have trouble with colors on your monitors). By doing two, both the front and back can be shown. Neither of these is made exactly according to the pattern. When making the purple edged one, I put too many stitches between the three picots on the center rings. On both of them I hooked the clovers to the chains. Some days I just can't read -- either that or am too poor to even pay attention.
All the little butterflies are from the shuttle thread ends. There was one more, but I tried these interwoven picots on it -- that didn't work it looked like a blob-fly, so I threw it away.
Giving up
Sometimes a project just isn't worth finishing, and I found that to be true
with the Mix & Match afghan I started several months ago. After spending a
1 day ago