Where does it go? I think time must be like escalator steps: there's an unused pile of it in someone's basement, and I would like to have it. It's not that I've not been tatting, and crocheting, and any number of other things; I have. Time to sit at the computer? Then there should be time to clean off my desk. No, no, don't have time for that, so I must not have time to sit at the computer. There. (Yes, that's just where the mess sits -- there.) Time to take pictures of tatting? Then there should be time to put away all my thread, string and yarn. As if. That's a little too drastic.
However, I did enter all my stuff in the State Fair as well as the County Fair. (If you want to see what it was, look at the previous post.) Brag Moment: I got blue ribbons (first place) on everything and the little crocheted animals were considered for sweepstakes. I got enough prize money to buy a nice meal -- or more thread. I got thread. I don't have anywhere to put more thread.
Since last August I've been stuck on making little crocheted animals. I made some with size 20 thread, some with size 10 and most with size 3. I'm still making them. I gave away about a dozen and a half for Christmas, I think there are about that many still left in the drawer, and I'm spending recent evenings making legs for a purple and white zebra. My tatting has been reduced to mere minutes -- just enough time to take part in this year's TIAS (thanks, Jane!)
I do have some tatting to show. My dad needed a gift for my aunt for their annual Christmas party. In addition to some really useful stretchy fit-anything lids we got at the fair, I wrapped up a necklace and two pair of earrings. My aunt doesn't have pierced ears, and didn't know I could make tatted ones with clip-on findings. She was glad to get them and liked 'em too. I used white size 20 Lizbeth thread and white-and-red-striped beads for the necklace and one pair of earrings. The other pair of earrings uses large white-and-red striped beads and smaller white-green-red striped beads. The necklace pattern is Patti Duff's lanyard; except that I did it with SCMR so I didn't have to load all the beads on the thread (I've misplaced both of my Tatsy shuttles!). The earrings I just made up as I went along.
Giving up
Sometimes a project just isn't worth finishing, and I found that to be true
with the Mix & Match afghan I started several months ago. After spending a
1 day ago