Have you got any books from which you've never made a thing? I do. Lots of them. The other day (okay -- a couple of weeks ago) I dug out my copy of the DMC Book of Charted Tatting Designs and made this little doily. It's made with Lizbeth size 40 thread and measures 8.25 inches (21 cm) at it's widest point. I can't tell you which design it is, because now I can't find the book. I think it's either at my dad's house or in the back of my car -- maybe. All the rings and chains are made with picots separated with three ds. Really. So, it's a hairy doily. I was going to make it without all those picots -- but I have to find the book first.
In the meantime, I've been working on an entry for the Shuttlebirds Workshop "Go Wild" contest. I'm beginning to wonder if it will get done before I wear out the thread unpicking, unpicking, unpicking. The rules allow up to 8 entries (one in each category -- or is it two?). I'll be lucky to get ONE finished!
Back in the swing of things
It did me a world of good to take a break from crafting. I'm no back to
doing the things I enjoy, but at a much slower pace. I started a new cowl
20 hours ago