I made a pendant with the other one, but it looks a little skimpy. It's the motif I was working on in this post, without it's final round -- there wasn't enough thread on my shuttles for that. I did add the one ring to use to attach it to a jump ring and a chain.
On top of everything else -- I can't get blogger to add the other picture. I've tried about six (okay so it was really 14 -- who wants to admit to being that dimly persistent?) times and all that shows up is a little square. If I look close I think it's giving me a raspberrrrrrry! I'll try adding it again later. Maybe I can fool it into thinking I'm somebody else. I think it's mad at me.
It likes me again! You'd think I sent it a present or something...
P.S. A couple of people have asked about the pattern for the swirled, warped, twisted (whatever) square on the second motif. I don't have a pattern, but I do have a diagram -- however, right now it only has pencil notes on direction and stitch counts. Since someone is interested if you'll give me a few days, I'll post the pattern -- with and without the third round. -- I've put it away somewhere safe, so I'm still looking.