At the end of last year someone posted a file in the old Yahoo Groups etatters of an Ice Crystal with an explanation and diagram to help with some of the difficulties in the pattern. I've never seen the original pattern, and don't know whose it is, but I kept a printed copy of the explanation.* These two Icicles borrow the main arm of that Ice Crystal. The first is DMC size 20 cordonette with crystal seed beads. I added the chains and joined rings at the top, then decided maybe that wouldn't be really useful for hanging, as it was intended to be a Christmas tree ornament. The second I made with DMC size 80 tatting cotton and gold seed beads. The split rings at the top make a much better hanger. The gold beads are interesting, but the crystal ones are more in keeping with the icicle idea. Now I need to make more. :)
*"The original Ice Crystal design is a doily from the Blomqvist and Persson book." -- Information from Sharon at http://25motifchallenge.blogspot.com/ THANKS -- And now I own the book!
Ice Crystal is a doily pattern from the book Tatting Patterns and Designs by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson. At one time I re-did the short form notation of the first repeat of the pattern into a visual drawing for someone because they were having trouble with the instructions as written. The project you have tatted is the single pattern repeat of the doily.
Oh, this is pretty! I am glad you included the link from the "Ice Crystal" post today!
It is indeed pretty! Two years ago I stopped putting my crystal icicles on the holiday tree, because of curious little fingers. Didn't want one of those pointy icicles poking out an eye or breaking on the floor.
It never occurred to me to tat icicles! Brilliant! I will try this one toute de suite.
Thanks for sharing!
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