Inspired by
Jon Yusoff's wonderfully beautiful earrings, these are made from a bit of leftover size 20 Lizbeth thread. They have nylon hooks, which don't have the beads on the shank yet -- they didn't show up in the scan, so I cut 'em off this image. Next time I try this, I'm going to add some beads -- that'll make 'em more attractive, right?
I've been working on other things, but don't have pictures of some and the rest are for an exchange, so I can't show that either.
Pretty and would also be good with beads - and fun to do - I think! Although I keep seeing earrings that inspire me, I have yet to try it!
Nice work, Marty! :)
I saw your comment about the cottonwoods on Totusmel's blog.....are you in WA?
Krystle, I'm in Utah. We have lots and lots of cottonwoods. The bits of fluff get everywhere and give me hayfever!
Oh bummer! I thought maybe I had found a local lol :-)
I'm lucky enough that the fluffs don't bother me except needing to be pulled from my hair.
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