25 Tatted Motifs...I guess I can do that. What I'm not to certain about is this Blog thing! I'm going to give them both a try.
Of course, I can't add any motifs until I do some and take pictures. Guess this is a test run. :)
Almost Celtic, sort of
I couldn't find my shamrock, so I wore this - and received a compliment!
This is one of my free patterns called "Vision Necklace" which you can find
7 hours ago
Hi Marty, you've been added to the links on the 25 Motif Challenge page and to my list of pages to check. I'll add what you've done as you post it. I don't check every day but as soon as you post some pictures I'll mention that you have joined the challenge in the little blurb I do for that day.
Hello Marty,
Welcome to a community of people who share a common interest and love of tatting. Looking forward to see the tatting that you make.
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