To Bling or Not to Bling, that was the question...
Personally, I think it depends on who you are and where your talents lie.
Apparently mine don't lie with painting with fingernail polish at midnight.
I do show SOME common sense. These are opposite sides of the same shuttle. I can at least claim only one shuttle was harmed in the making of this post.
To clarify just a bit -- the shuttles are plain Aero-gray. I didn't paint the whole shuttle, nor did I cover it with anything. The flowers are painted with a pink fingernail polish and the leaves and stem are green fingernail polish. The pink had one little bristle in the brush that stuck out further than the others, so there are a few tiny pink dots on the shuttle you can't see at this size. The blue one is painted with blue fingernail polish and outlined with a black Sharpie marker. I don't know what possessed me to give it green antennae. I live in a household with two girls (one 8 and one 15). We have very nearly any color of nail polish you can name.
Fully loaded
I gave up on the Internet last night. I don't know what's going on. Does
severe cold affect connectivity? I tried to access a variety of web sites,
3 hours ago
I think you did great with the nail polish. Both sides are pretty, but I really do like the pink flowered side. I haven't tried my luck with decorating a shuttle yet, but I am considering it.
Don't give up on the clunies just yet - it does take practice, but I think they are worth it in the end.
I think they're very pretty! I couldn't paint a butterfly or a flower to save my soul... I know... I've tried. Even if you never try decorating a shuttle again, you have a beautiful example of what can be done with a little time and patience. Besides, it's uniquely yours!
Marty, I think it's great, so I say Yes to bling!
I can't see as it was harmed at all! The pink flower side is especially nice - the petals remind me of tissue paper collage. Enjoy your shuttle!
But it's so pretty!
I think you did an excellent job painting these shuttles. It's such a small space and hard to manipulate. I know that from experience!
I am impressed and intrigued! This is really pretty. I see you have kept the tail. The ones I use are all from LaCossette - sans tail.
Can't figure out how you covered the tail. Is this totally covered or original grey plastic with decoration? My laptop displays them as very white (looks painted).
Fox : )
Ooo.. I love it Marty!! Your flowers are lovely and the butterfly is pretty as well. You are talented whether you believe it or not:P
I think you should try it with some of the DelSol color changing nail polish next time -- we've got about 8 different bottles of that!
What a great idea! I do not know if I can ... Space is very limited and I don't have green nail polish ;-)))
I wish you a nice day
Ancolie (France)
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