Yeah, yeah, I know -- it was supposed to be DONE in one year not two or even ...ahem... three. Finally made it to Seventeen though.
Last May (yes, May), I made these green snowflakes from the Ariel pattern in The Tatter's Treasure Chest. They've been waiting until this week for the center bit and for getting stuck onto the Styrofoam ornament. My dad's been visiting us so it was a golden opportunity to tat and chat -- I tatted and chatted; dad just chatted. I made up the middle, and it didn't work quite like I envisioned, but I like it well enough not to take it off and start over!
Norty Blues 20250302 Episode 106
- Welcome to episode 106
of Norty Blues. I’m Archie Archive and the entertainment this week is from
1 day ago
Very nice holiday ornament!! :)
This really really is so very pretty! good job :)
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